Posts by Brendan Watters

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 03/29/2024


2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 01/19/24

Unicode的方式到php有效负载和三个模块添加到您的剧本 Ansible 我们自己的jheyself -r7添加了一个利用php这个迷人工具的漏洞 过滤器链接使用编码转换字符和添加有效负载 h00die et. al. 已经通过并添加了3个新的Ansible帖子模块来收集 配置信息、读取文件和部署有效负载. While none offer 瞬间的答案跨越宇宙,他们一定会帮助红队 exercises. New module

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Dec. 15, 2023

Continuing the 12th Labor of Metasploit Metasploit继续其艰巨的任务,增加我们的工具集驯服 Kerberos通过添加对AS_REP焙烧的支持,它允许检索 设置了“不需要Kerberos预认证”的用户的密码散列 on the domain controller. 该设置默认为关闭,但已启用 in some environments. 攻击者可以为启用该选项的任何用户请求散列,甚至更糟 (or better?) you can query the DC to determine

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up 12/8/2023

本周新增:一个OwnCloud收集模块和一个Docker cgroups容器escape. 另外,早期的特性允许用户搜索模块操作、目标和别名.

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 11/10/23

Apache MQ and Three Cisco Modules in a Trenchcoat 本周的发布有很多新的内容和功能模块针对两个 最近受到大量关注的主要漏洞:CVE-2023-46604 targeting Apache MQ [疑似-开发- - apache activemq - cve - 2023 46604/] 导致针对思科IOS XE操作系统的勒索软件部署和CVE-2023-20198 [ - cve - 2023 - 20198 -活动- exploitati

4 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Oct. 19, 2023

That Privilege Escalation Escalated Quickly 此版本提供了一个利用CVE-2023-22515的模块 [ - cve - 2023 - 22515 - 0 -天-特权升级- -融合-服务器-和-数据- center/] , Atlassian内部部署的Confluence服务器中的一个漏洞首先被列为安全漏洞 权限升级,但很快被重新归类为“访问控制失效” with a CVSS score of 10. The exploit itself is very simple and easy to use so there was little surprise when

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Sep. 1, 2023

Pumpkin Spice Modules 在北半球,秋天即将来临:树叶变化,空气 变得又脆又酷,一些黑客改变了咖啡因的味道. 该版本提供了一个针对Apache NiFi的新漏洞利用模块 new and improved library to interact with it. New module content (1) Apache NiFi H2连接字符串远程代码执行 Authors: Matei "Mal" Badanoiu and h00die Type: Exploit Pull request: #18257 [

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Aug. 25, 2023

Power[shell]Point 本周的新特性和改进从两个新的漏洞利用模块开始 leveraging CVE-2023-34960 [] Chamilo versions 1.11.18 and below and CVE-2023-26469 [] in Jorani 1.0.0. Like CVE-2023-34960 [], I too, feel attacked by PowerPoint sometimes. We also have several impr

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 6/30/23

Nothing but .NET? Smashery continues to… smash it by updating our .NET assembly execution module. The original module allowed users to run a .NET exe as a thread within a process they created on a remote host. Smashery’s improvements let users run the 可执行文件在托管Meterpreter的进程的线程内,并且也更改了 执行线程的I/O支持管道,允许与 spawned .. NET线程,即使其他进程控制了STDIN和 STDOUT. The

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Jun. 9, 2023

MOVEit It has been a busy few weeks in the security space; the MOVEit [] 用跳舞的狐猴和梭鱼填充我们的新闻推送 [ - cve - 2023 - 2868 -总-妥协-物理-梭鱼appliances/——环境、社会和治理?utm_campaign=sm-ETR&utm_source=twitter,linkedin&utm_me

6 min Metasploit


Rapid7很高兴地宣布Metasploit获取有效负载的可用性, 提高效率和用户对所执行命令的控制.

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: May 5, 2023

Throw another log [file] on the fire 我们的Stephen less编写了一个针对CVE-2023-26360的模块 [] 影响ColdFusion 2021更新5及更早版本以及ColdFusion 2018更新 15 and earlier. 该漏洞允许多条路径执行代码,但是 我们的模块通过利用将导致服务器的请求来工作 在远程的任意文件上评估ColdFusion标记语言 system. This all

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Jan. 1, 2023

Back from a quiet holiday season 幸运的是,今年的安全假期相对平静,所以 我们希望每个人都能好好放松一下. This wrapup covers the 最近三个Metasploit版本,包含三个新模块,两个更新和 five bug fixes. Make sure that your OpenTSDB isn’t too open 在这个版本中特别值得注意的是一个来自社区贡献者的新模块 Erik Wynter [] and Shai rod [

4 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 12/16/22

满满一袋来自Metasploit的黑客精灵的欢乐 很明显,Metasploit精灵本赛季很忙:新增了5个 模块,六个新的增强,九个新的错误修复,以及一个梨中的鹧鸪 tree are headed out this week! (Partridge nor pear tree included.) In this sack 我们有一件一直在赠送的礼物:谢尔比的 [] Acronis TrueImage Privilege Escalation [http://github.[http://www.rapid7/metasplot-framework/pull/17265]效果非常好, even

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 11/4/22

C is for cookie 显然,这对于Apache CouchDB来说已经足够好了. Our very own Jack Heysel []增加了一个基于CVE-2022-24706的攻击模块 targeting CouchDB prior to 3.2.2, leveraging a special default ‘monster’ cookie that allows users to run OS commands. This fake computer I just made says I’m an Admin Metasploit’s zeroSteiner [] added a module to 在Active Directory网络上执行基于角色的约束委托(RBCD).