
Gain clarity ahead of migrating operations to the cloud.



云迁移是指从本地IT基础设施程序转移到基于云的解决方案的过程. 将资源转移到云端的现代运动是由这种迁移所带来的巨大成本节约所推动的.

But, 当意识到迁移到云操作后,他们本可以更有效率,更接近他们实际设定的结果时,没有人愿意做整个“后见之明就是20/20”的事情. Gartner估计,那些急于进入云计算运营的组织,希望能够立即获得成本节约的意外收获,可能会在云服务上超支高达70%,而没有从中获得预期的价值.

Technical leaders could do well to create a thorough plan, including an inventory of legacy assets that simply won’t function as a cloud-based service. 成功的云迁移之后, 持续优化公司和运营工作流程可能是为业务节省大量成本的最佳方式. And let’s not forget about all of the security implications that come with a move to the cloud. Fortunately, the 云安全 sector is very mature.


对于技术和运营工作流来说,没有一个完美的云迁移策略——它是每个DevOps组织的独特需求. They may even find their operations aren’t best suited for the cloud. Let’s take a look at a mix of well-known strategies that Gartner identified more than a decade ago:


这种策略只涉及到一个组织——相对而言——将他们当时的确切环境转移到云中. 对于刚接触云操作的公司来说,这可能是完成迁移工作的最经济有效的方法. However, there are challenges that come with rehosting. 这些问题可能包括不知道云计算与本地硬件的性能优化的细微之处. 记住, 在云计算中,安全性要短暂得多, and this “lift and shift” strategy might not take that into account as well as it should.


This strategy involves addressing those finer points of optimization. 它考虑了本地和云之间的差异,并看到组织调整应用程序或基础设施以适应特定的云环境. 这可能是显而易见的, but it can be worth the time it takes to fine-tune an environment to the cloud, as it not only considers performance but will be inherently more secure. 成本节约可能要到以后才能实现, 但是他们会来的, adding to the existing benefits of a well-architected framework and more hardened 云安全.


该策略包括将应用程序定制为云平台,以便充分利用其功能. The primary advantage with this strategy is the upgrade in performance and flexibility, 以及总体成本的降低. This is a more cost-effective and lighter-life option than refactoring, which is considered a complete overhaul option for an application migrating into a cloud environment.


As opposed to the tinkering of existing applications migrating to the cloud, 这一策略涉及到在云中完全重建基础设施,以便更好地利用平台的功能. 随着时间的推移,这对性能很有好处,并且可以节省前面提到的一些长期成本. However, this option is very labor-intensive and can have significant upfront costs – as any rebuild would incur.


该策略涉及使用软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案将基础设施替换到云平台上. 这样做的好处是可以利用SaaS提供商的现有代码,更快地为原始应用程序开发云优化的替代品. 对该策略的成本效益分析可能会发现,许多企业不需要部署整个DevOps团队来从头开始重建应用程序.


This strategy assumes an organization has “been there, done that,,并决定——出于各种原因——最好是改变路线,将业务从云迁移回自己的本地基础设施. This might be for security reasons and an organization’s desire to remove their applications from public clouds more vulnerable to attack; or it may have been determined by a company’s technical leaders that it is, in fact, more cost-effective to repatriate applications onto local infrastructure.

There’s a lot for one organization to consider here, with many of these strategies overlapping in multiple aspects. This is why it’s critical for leadership and stakeholders to agree on outcomes, take an exhaustive inventory of assets to be migrated, and find the best way for its unique environment to move forward.


After an organization has determined the right migration strategy that best suits their operations, 现在是时候把注意力从警告转移到实际考虑将基础设施迁移到云的许多好处了. 


On-premises systems can be laborious to set up, configure, and maintain. In the cloud, you can provision servers in minutes, then put them into use immediately. This allows for a large number of deployments in a small amount of time. 为SecOps如何自动化这些快速供应的服务器的安全性并与DevOps保持同步创建一个计划是一个好主意.


所需容量更少, 更少的资源消耗, 在配置上花费的时间更少, 维护, and replacing physical equipment – it all adds up to a fairly tangible ROI, 这取决于组织, 抵消初始投资. Earmarking a continued investment in the optimization of business and IT operational processes, 迁移后, will help organizations continue to realize that financial benefit.


安全性是云迁移的一个好处, if done in the right way and according to an organization’s specific needs. 很可能是这样, 迁移后, an organization finds their cloud operations to be more costly and less secure than they’d hoped. However, it is possible to institute secure processes that, 虽然不一定100%有效, are workable solutions that can contribute to a SecOps organization's part of the 责任分担模式 和他们的云提供商.


云操作的速度和可扩展性的潜力确实可以加速利益相关者采用云迁移计划. However, 这个过程中的一个关键步骤是使受影响的业务部门的利益相关者保持一致,并确保每个人都理解迁移到云的承诺, 但也有潜在的缺点. 我们已经讲过了, but needs to be underscored as far as getting actual humans to buy into the plan. Once that happens, adoption will accelerate and time to results could drastically decrease.


改进的业务敏捷性和灵活性是云迁移和采用的一个更被低估的好处. 目前的在家工作或混合方法就是一个很好的例子,这些方法由于疫情而被迫进入全球工作文化. Leveraging SaaS and IaaS services helps companies to thrive with a dispersed workforce. 这里需要注意的是:确保遵守适用于组织所在行业的法规标准将有助于保持灵活性.

了解更多有关 CSA CCM合规性 


云迁移不是一件容易的事. 在获得利益相关者的支持之后, 迁移团队必须为采用创建一个计划——一个包括对可能出现的某些挑战的响应的计划. 


This can be a heavy and time-consuming process. 关键的考虑因素包括避免一次将所有内容迁移到云,并确保迁移团队拥有成功完成迁移所需的技能. Likely, 这个过程包括从物理存储中备份和卸载大型数据库,并使用上面提到的一种策略在云中重新创建它.


迁移团队将需要对要迁移的遗留应用程序进行分析和盘点. Of note here is identifying which application processes are dependent on physical systems, and the cloud migration tools needed to ensure those applications operate effectively in the cloud.


视行业而定, an organization must ensure migrated applications and all pertinent data are secure pre-transit, in transit, 和post-transit, according to the standards set forth by regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR.


云迁移为企业提供了重新评估其应用程序功能并使其现代化的机会, 并通过利用云提供商原生的节省成本和时间的技术,最大限度地利用该功能. 这可能是一个耗时的过程, but the long-term upside is that business benefits from the flexibility, scale, 加快速度, 云原生应用程序提供.


Learn about Rapid7's 云迁移 Solution with Unlimited Risk Management

2022 Cloud Misconfigurations Report: Latest 云安全 Breaches and Attack Trends
